EW Greenlee

120 posts

For the Love of my Daughter

My daughter believes my blog needs a little less dash of bacon and more dashes of fashion.  She gave me this photo and challenged me to write something humorous about it.  Where can I possibly start?  For once I was almost speechless, well, fingerless since this is a blog.  I […]

Golf Indigestion – February 2013 (Smack Back Attitude)

Watch this video for perspective. [youtube=http://youtu.be/bulLh_-Fal8] I’m sorry, but no, I’m really not. Foooore is actually a code word for, “I’m coming through you slow #$%#^$^!” As you recall from prior posts, I suck at the game called golf.  Those that wait behind me need to learn the art of […]

Female Code – February 2013 Edition (Superbowl Halftimes)

Today in my weekly Toastmasters club meeting, one of our lady members wanted to know why the super bowl isn’t spiced up for the ladies?  That’s valid question I thought, until she gave a little more background into what she thought.  She wanted Chippendales or the Thunder Down Under male […]

Empathy for a Creator

Empathy, sometimes a forgotten word in this self centered world, were sympathy and apathy are more common.   Here’s the definition for the sake of this post, The power of understanding and imaginatively entering into another person’s feelings. Recently I posted a thought on my Facebook  page regarding the power of […]