
115 posts

Posts on my story writing.

Gandalf says, “This Cannot Be Filmed!”

J.R.R. Tolkien once said his works could not be made into a film.  Of course the technology at the time was not sufficient for the grandeur of his imagination.  The movie trilogy is said by some to have stripped the deeper meanings of his stories to appeal to the 15-25 […]

The Significance of Seven

I am in the midst of writing a mythology that will consist of nineteen stories.  Nineteen has no significant meaning, but here is why there are nineteen: A trilogy (The Chosen One of Allivar) with the brief history of creation of ten heavenly worlds and through the first six ages […]

Character Obsessions

I read via many sources that people are flipping out over actors and actresses signed on to do parts in Diana Gabaldon’s – Outlander series and E.L. James – 50 Shades of Grey series.  As an epic fantasy author (not ever to be confused with erotic fantasy), I want a […]

Is Chivalry Dead? Knight Up!

As an author that loves the romantic ideal of the legends from the medieval period, I routinely scope out various words in Twitter that illicit a response from those that engage in this social media.  This process allows me to get a glimpse of what our current society is all […]