
5 posts

Being Original in an Unoriginal Age

When I read Paradise Lost  for the first time I was blown away by Milton’s originality to the fall of man story. I continue to be fascinated by Dante’s Inferno and concept of the underworld  and of course, everything in Tolkien’s world. As I begin the fifth story of my […]

Empathy for a Creator

Empathy, sometimes a forgotten word in this self centered world, were sympathy and apathy are more common.   Here’s the definition for the sake of this post, The power of understanding and imaginatively entering into another person’s feelings. Recently I posted a thought on my Facebook  page regarding the power of […]

The Ultimate Super Trilogy Book Trailer

I admit fully that my trilogy, “The Chosen One of Allivar” was inspired by “The Lord of the Rings”, “The Hobbit” and “The Silmarillion”.  Put all three of these stories together and you can dream for the remainder of your lifetime.  When I completed writing my trilogy I went into […]