
7 posts

The Significance of Seven

I am in the midst of writing a mythology that will consist of nineteen stories.  Nineteen has no significant meaning, but here is why there are nineteen: A trilogy (The Chosen One of Allivar) with the brief history of creation of ten heavenly worlds and through the first six ages […]

Spiritual vs. Christian (Preconception)

We live in an era of heightened preconception: An opinion or conception formed in advance of adequate knowledge or experience.  In other words, we are as prejudiced as ever. No matter how hard I try to explain most do not understand the difference between a spiritually based story and one […]

The Cosmic Snowball

Last night I found myself in a heated discussion with my daughter over my trilogy.  I am reformatting the stories under my publishing company control and I am going to insert a Prologue.  I truly hate prologues, but apparently we live in a period of time where readers want a […]

Empathy for a Creator

Empathy, sometimes a forgotten word in this self centered world, were sympathy and apathy are more common.   Here’s the definition for the sake of this post, The power of understanding and imaginatively entering into another person’s feelings. Recently I posted a thought on my Facebook  page regarding the power of […]

Religious Similarities – Construction of a Mythology

Have you ever noticed that many religions have stories so similar that you wonder if all religions were founded and then modified from a single mythology?  I not insinuating all religions are myths, but they all have common themes: creation, life, and end of times. When I began contemplating my […]