I haven’t written in a while, because I moved to Hawaii from Oklahoma because of its proximity to Arkansas. No not really, I just wanted a change of scenery and to get closer to El Nino. I haven’t been in good humor, because I thought El Nino was some fruity […]
Mai Tai
3 posts
No, you are seeing this correctly. This is the Hawaiian name for the reef trigger fish, the state fish of Hawaii. My wife and I decided a few years ago to learn a second language so that we could have secrets and no one would know what the hell we […]
Watch this video for perspective. [youtube=http://youtu.be/bulLh_-Fal8] I’m sorry, but no, I’m really not. Foooore is actually a code word for, “I’m coming through you slow #$%#^$^!” As you recall from prior posts, I suck at the game called golf. Those that wait behind me need to learn the art of […]