Epic Fantasy

7 posts

Gandalf says, “This Cannot Be Filmed!”

J.R.R. Tolkien once said his works could not be made into a film.  Of course the technology at the time was not sufficient for the grandeur of his imagination.  The movie trilogy is said by some to have stripped the deeper meanings of his stories to appeal to the 15-25 […]

Sketching Your Demon

As an author and self-publisher, I do it all, including all technology duties.  Recently, one of my reader’s suggested I provide images of my creations.  This would help them visualize the characters and demons.  I truly love to leave such issues to the imagination of the reader, but if a […]

Empathy for a Creator

Empathy, sometimes a forgotten word in this self centered world, were sympathy and apathy are more common.   Here’s the definition for the sake of this post, The power of understanding and imaginatively entering into another person’s feelings. Recently I posted a thought on my Facebook  page regarding the power of […]