Female Code – July 2013 Edition (Menopausal Bombs)
Welcome friends to the hottest month of the year – July. It is also the month from Hades if you are living with a woman just beginning menopause. For decades I have fought my wife over the air conditioning thermostat. I needed it to be cool in the summer to […]
Cougar Boot Camp
I read a lot, mostly financial news, but I glance at articles regarding the trends of society. I am an independent and worldly thinker, I read liberal and conservative news sources, as well as foreign sources. It was yesterday I read this on Fox News, which some of you will […]
A Call to all Women
This is a call, like the lighting of a beacon, for the response of as many women as possible. I am an author and a man, a manly man. I don’t have hidden feminine traits. Therefore, you might consider me an old fashioned Rhett Butler type. I write about heroes […]
A Life of Passion
If I could wish anything for my family and friends, and even strangers – is to live a life of passion. It has been said that doing what you like is what will provide the most happiness in life. For most of our lives we are working. Yet most go […]
Mastering The Art of Deflection – Cat Meme Overload
We humans are an interesting species. We rarely take a good hard look in the mirror, instead we project our insecurities onto others and even the animals species. When we do this we feel better about ourselves. We laugh at ugly dog and cat contests to deflect our own imperfections […]
Twilight VIII – Revenge of the Herapalca
On July 4th I had a relaxing day sitting by the pool sipping Mai Tai’s with very old friends. We talked about new grand babies and those not yet arrived, diets, movies, etc. Of the funniest moments was a discussion of the Twilight series. My friends wife asked me about […]
Declare Independence
Today we celebrate an historic moment where men seeking freedom made a declaration of independence. They backed up this declaration by winning a war over their idea: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable […]
Everyday someone or some corporation is registering or trademarking a name that can never be used by anyone ever again unless with permission, which is usually millions of dollars. Apple is registering the name iWatch for some new gadget the techie drooling world will drool over. They need to do […]
Being Original in an Unoriginal Age
When I read Paradise Lost for the first time I was blown away by Milton’s originality to the fall of man story. I continue to be fascinated by Dante’s Inferno and concept of the underworld and of course, everything in Tolkien’s world. As I begin the fifth story of my […]
Just Chillin
Whoever said, “like father like son,” was a genius. Except now it is like grandfather, like father, like son. Here is a weekend photo of the Greenlee men just chillin out, as my son would say, on a hot Saturday afternoon. My generation might call it hanging out or hanging […]
Let it Grow, Let it Grow, Let it Grow
Many of my absurd inspirations come from Facebook conversations with authors. One of my favorites is Danny Kemp from the United Kingdom. My what a sense of humor he has. Today he posted, I had my hair cut today so the brain is slower than normal, please make allowances for […]
Just when you thought you had seen it all – North West
“I love the name ‘North.’ I’m pro-North, absolutely,” she said. “The way Kimwimmy explained it to me, north means highest power, and North is their highest point together. I thought that was really, really, really northernly sweet.” When we stepped into the new millennium did people’s brains just suddenly collapse? […]
The Chick Magnet
Every so often I go retro. Yes, those few painful moments in life when we look back at our youth. The year, 1977, my senior year in high school at Abilene Cooper High School, Abilene, Texas. I was a Cougar, a Cooper Cougar. Oh what a year! Let me recap […]
Dependent Squirrels
Why did God have to make squirrels so cute? That and I feel really guilty for killing a squirrel with one of my golf shots. But I also love birds. We have bird feeders in our backyard and special accommodations for our squirrels. Lately our squirrels have become greedy and, […]
Humuhumunukunukuapua’a (Hawaiian Language Lesson)
No, you are seeing this correctly. This is the Hawaiian name for the reef trigger fish, the state fish of Hawaii. My wife and I decided a few years ago to learn a second language so that we could have secrets and no one would know what the hell we […]
Just when you thought you had seen it all. Hairy stockings.
http://metro.co.uk/2013/06/18/hairy-stockings-aimed-at-deflecting-unwanted-male-attention-3845865/ Leave it up to my friends on Facebook to lead me to the most absurd item of the week. Sorry folks my witty humorous mind was away from writing as I completed my continuing education requirements as a CPA. However in the midst of tax laws and investments, I […]
The Fall of Helloria Prologue – Spoiler Alert
I am not a fan of prologues. As an author I want a story to unfold and the reader to grow into the story. However I understand their purpose to assist readers in a purchasing decision. Below is the first draft of the prologue for the upcoming release of the […]
Fashion Disasters – June 2013 (Muffin Media Monetization)
This month I turn 54. In those years I’ve seen a lot of fashions, maybe too many. I have begun to wonder if people are insane or just need an eye exam. You’ve probably seen what I have seen too. Those people who parade their fashion disasters around like a […]
Nudists and Tornados
I have a follower and frequent commenter who is a nudist. He has a good sense of humor. In May, we bantered over the need to take cover for upcoming storms. We both live in Oklahoma. I suggested he have tennis shoes by the ready. I love going nude with […]
Apocalypse Monthly – June 2013 Edition (So very close)
Tragedies can change a person. Sometimes for the best and sometimes for the worst. This May I heard more tornado sirens being sounded that at any other time in my life. I live in Norman, OK just nine miles from Moore and seventeen miles from Oklahoma City. There were horrible […]
Summer Poochie Poo Poo
For all you folks who love to walk your dogs around the neighborhood, just know that it is getting closer to summer and the sweltering Oklahoma heat and humidity. This means the summer poochie poo poo is about to get really rank. So please, can you at least pick up […]
The Man Club – June 2013 Edition (Wedding crashers – on the rocks)
This month I explored the insanity of a June wedding and why it means anything at all to women. Women are insane, but clever. Let’s revisit the movie the Wedding Crashers. Here two heroes have conquered the world of women, only to succumb to their succubus clever ways. By the […]
Female Code – June 2013 (Weddings)
Here we go again! That extra special month where women go insane and for some reason June 4th is the date. If they aren’t marrying someone, by god, somebody better be getting married. The national economy depends on that genetic defect in women that go screaming into the night over […]
Coffee Chaos – June 2013 Edition (Boobie Booze)
My grandson has great lungs. Whenever he is ready to eat he is going to let you know. His mom is breast feeding and while my wife watched him for a short period of time, I had forgotten how hilarious it was to watch infants eat. They scream bloody murder […]
How to Gain Unwanted Attention – Just Drive Normal
You are driving along when you have to slow down for the person in front of you, who is going 10 miles under the speed limit, for no reason whatsoever. Then they turn off the busy city street into a neighborhood and there they gun it to 20 miles over […]
The Workout From Hell – Or was is it Yoda, Vodka, Gollum, Soda or Yoga
I decided about a month ago to get back into shape one last time in my lifetime and then keep it that way. On June 16th I will turn 54 (gifts welcomed) and getting in shape has become a little harder than I thought. I go to the gym and […]
In Memory of the Fallen
Today we celebrate Memorial Day. However, it is a somber day. A day we remind, or should remind ourselves of those that died defending our country and the cause of good around the world. It began shortly after the Civil War and was changed to include all those that died […]
The Extended, Extended, Extended Warranty On Extension
Today on Facebook I socialized with a fellow author over a mixer. This author’s mixer died and I commented how only authors can provide narrative to the humanistic sounds an inanimate object can make. I asked if she had given it a name. “Stupid,” was her reply. I replied that […]
A Moment of Reflection
May 22, 2013 – I live in Norman, Oklahoma. As you may have read, our neighbors nine miles to the north were just hit with a devastating tornado. I am speaking of the May 20, 2013 tornado in Moore, OK. This tornado had winds higher than 200 miles per hour […]
How to Stay Sane – Read the News
I admit to reading several news sites each day, to stay abreast of financial, political and human trends. The above images and their headings are real. I have not altered them in any fashion. They say you can gain a readers attention with just a few words and a single […]
Cool or Creepy? Only in the eyes of computers.
Do you remember when you were little and there were small advertisements in your comic books for x-ray vision glasses? Supposedly you could see through women’s clothing. I was not that inquisitive, nor am I to wear Google’s newest gadget. Creepy? You bet. I watched a demonstration as a person […]
News Headlines You Just Can’t Make Up
This was the actual headline I read in an article today. Now I am not sure if this was done on purpose to get people more interested in science, or the writer was a starving comedian, or a completely absurd fool. Whoever named the planet must have been a comedian, […]
Sex Cells
I am an author. They tell me that I needed a blog to sell my story’s, but all people seem to want to read about is sex. Don’t you ever get bored with all the talk about sex, the books about sex and the shows about who has had sex […]
The Cosmic Snowball
Last night I found myself in a heated discussion with my daughter over my trilogy. I am reformatting the stories under my publishing company control and I am going to insert a Prologue. I truly hate prologues, but apparently we live in a period of time where readers want a […]
The Value of Time
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” —Mark Twain My wife posted this quote today on her Facebook […]
When You Can’t Breathe, It’s Sexy
There is nothing funny about having allergies and the inability to breathe and sleep. Lately here in Oklahoma we jump up in temperature and then fall back to cold weather. Well, mother nature’s cruel humor finally caught up with me. Today I am fine, but for ten days, I was […]
Coffee Chaos – May 2013 Edition (Children)
We have been watching our grandson while our daughter-in-law continues in Dental School. She will be responsible for taking care of the chaos in my mouth for the remainder of my life. Part of that chaos is surely attributable to my love of coffee. For a very long time neither […]
The Man Club – May 2013 Edition (Mother May Day)
May is a special month. May 1st is where we may celebrate or we may protest against work. As a professionally starving writer, I celebrate that my accounting skills may support me, while I may just become a world best-selling author. It is also the month we may celebrate Cinco […]
The Female Code – May 2013 Edition (The Girls)
I follow many people’s blogs. They provide insight to people’s thinking or sense of humor. They provide me with inspiration. I especially love reading those written by women, because even after 53 years of life I still haven’t a clue what makes them tick and then explode. Well, one blogger […]
The Other “F” Word – Cute Litte Babies (They Grow Up)
Have you ever wondered why flatulence from babies are so funny and lovable, but not adults? I do, because its discrimination I tell you. I am in a discriminated class of citizen and I demand my rights!!! I digress as usual. My grandson just turned four months old a few […]
Oh the Absurdity of People
I could write something about the absurdity of people every single day. We simply have to read the news and within 30 seconds you can find the insane. Here’s a example hot from today’s headlines Sexual assault charges filed against man for being naked in his own home It appears […]
Adventures in Sleep
Do you know how hard it is to find an image of a man awakened by a snoring wife? It’s impossible! It’s a media conspiracy to make all men look like villains. Last night was an adventure for sure. I awoke at 1:30 am for a bladder alarm call, then […]
My Phone Misdial Mistress
Sorry folks, I’ve been busy and my brain has been fried. I read a humor blog today regarding phone actresses and it reminded me of the time I made a simple dialing error. I am a CPA. I use tax software. At one time I used CCH’s ProSystemFX. Stay with […]
The Other “F” Word – The Devil Made Me Do It
I read the news to stay current with current affairs and to write redundant sentences, such as this current one. I swear you cannot make this stuff up. It is out of the headlines of our absurd news. This story appeared out of nowhere like a green methane fog. http://newsok.com/man-sues-bishop-for-failing-to-exorcise-flatulent-demons/article/3782304 […]
Fashion Disasters – First Edition
Every month I update a series of monthly humor themes. Those that received the most likes and comments I continue to supply new material. I scour the internet for inspiration and I realized there is an endless supply for fashion disasters. Did you know there was a fashion disaster day? […]
Apocalypse Monthly – April 2013 Edition (The Password)
I am old enough to remember the world before the socially impersonal personal computer. It was a sane world where the only password needed was the one that gained you access to the guy’s doubly secret tree house (Soon to be the Man Club). I think “Hate Girls” was the password […]
Construction Dysfunction
I am a frustrated architect. I truly wanted to design homes and buildings for a living, but couldn’t pass college physics and calculus. It just didn’t make any sense. I should have tried harder because the world is full of idiots. I have proof right here. Exhibit #1 (The EU […]
The Age of the Wuss
This sounds like a chapter from a fantasy adventure story, but it is actually a chapter out of modern history. Last night I died laughing, but was resurrected, by my male genetic code to survive this modern age, from watching comedian Don Friesen. He’s now my favorite comedian because he […]
Coffee Chaos – April 2013 Edition (Tax Deadline)
I am a CPA. Today is April 5th and the 15th is nearing. Tax season is chaos, but it would be a disaster if my Colombian Supremo coffee supply ran out. I can only imagine the deductions I’d let people get away with if caffeine wasn’t flowing through my veins. […]
Game of Throbbing Nipple Thrones
For you Game of Thrones addicts, season three has begun and we find out who back stabs who, all for a chair of scrap swords. First episode we saw a guy try out the newest body mutation craze, male nipple removal. Now, I’m pretty tough. I’m 6’1″, 230 pounds, a […]