Late April 2014 my wife and I went to Kauai for a two-week visit to determine if we truly wanted to live there full time. We drove almost every road there was to be driven on. Kuhio highway will take you to the farthest end of the North Shore. That […]
To give equal time to the opposite sex, I’ve placed my mind into the role of a menopausal woman (God help me!) to counter debate my Man Club post titled “Naggopause.” So without further interruption, the following 10 words have now been genetically engineered into the mutant genes of women everywhere, […]
Sometimes I lie awake in the early morning hours and just think. Sometimes the thoughts are deep and many times, well, like this one, not so profound. Why do they call it “Menopause?” Do men get a pause from women or women get a pause from men? As I said, […]
I saw this article on Facebook today about bloggers. Bloggers Fake Death So, to gain as much attention as possible I am writing this while dying. Why should I not get equal attention? This is Murica! But what am I dying of or died from? Hm…. Cold Weather 3,000 […]
Last night I watched “Gone Girl”, simply because not much else was on and I like Rosamund Pike. I was really enjoying the story right up to the point where she returns home to the oohs and aahs of the public and press at her return, followed by police ceasing all […]
I’ve never had really deep thoughts about an obituary until today. A 29 year-old lady at my office told me I was sweet for opening the door and answering her QuickBooks questions. My reply was that I was sweet because I didn’t want my obituary to read: “Mauled by female […]
In my last post you learned I was working for a local CPA firm comprised of 99.9% women, or as I call it – “Occupy Insanity Street.” They have dubbed me a token male. To be precise, here’s the meaning: “anything of only nominal value” Well… this shall not stand! We tokens, […]
I am currently working for a local CPA firm until our move to Kauai is complete. Yes, I know, I know… I’ve been writing about this for over a year. A house is in the escrow process, but until then, I wanted to stay busy and make a little money. […]
Honestly, I don’t remember much about this past year. It was a blur. I think we had a polar corset, pineapple espressos, or something like that. I increased my fiber intake. My college football team (OU) initially ranked #4 and ended #400 (out of a possible 130 teams) – who […]
Why do they call it social media? It’s all a lie. Social media is just the politically correct way of saying it. There are folks getting rich giving you a medium to post some really nasty stuff, you just hope you don’t get caught, well until today. Welcome to SneerBook […]