
Golf as Therapy

I love to golf simply because it gets me outdoors. Driving a cart, drinking a cold beer and scoping out squirrels is heavenly. The game itself is the most frustrating game ever invented by man. So frustrating that therapy sessions and confession may be needed. And I am not even […]

Stand back world, here comes my humor

In my quest for self publishing, I read I needed a blog and to make humorous posts, Tweets, Facebook posts, etc, etc. At first, I thought this was a bad idea. My sense of humor is quite antiquated and absurd. I turn 53 in June, so my source of humor […]

Language of an Author

One thing that makes me laugh so hard is the thought of acting like a Masterpiece Theatre author. For example, I dream that one day I’ll be wearing a tweed jacket and either a fedora hat or ascot cap. Around my neck would be a wool scarf and I’d be […]

Pronunication Technology

When contemplating my trilogy, I wanted to create my very own distinct universe of worlds, words and character names. However, what many people suggested is that they could not pronounce many of the fictitious names. Having 25 years experience in technology consulting, I had to consider a method to enhance […]

OMG, Alcohol and Electric Carts

Now let me say this – I very rarely ever drink and play golf at the same time. But on several occasions I have had a beer, or two, or three. Okay, okay it is more like, and sing along with me “99 bottles of beer in the cart, 99 […]

Of Mortality

When people associated with your youth begin passing away, your mortality becomes more aware.  People you watched perform in concert or on a field of athletics connect you with your sense of being.  We see elderly people in their 80’s and 90’s pass on and we give thanks for their […]

Developing My Characters

In my trilogy “The Chosen One of Allivar” I created two basic characters, good and evil. Let me expand upon each. The Characters of Good My inspiration for creating the characters of good come from many sources, but mainly from the Lord of the Rings. Most of us spent three […]

How to destroy a world

My trilogy, “The Chosen One of Allivar” is a mythology, but the mythology is to continue by expanding upon stories in the history. In this history, nine of ten heavenly worlds must fall by the influence of evil into the lives of ordinary mortals. So how does one destroy a […]

Fear the Mob

One only has to look at current global news for a premise to a very frightening story. Whether social injustice, right versus left, poor versus wealthy, or other issues the gathering of people under a cause can lead to social disorder, some unintentionally, some not. All one has to do […]

Of Veterans and Children

I am about as tough a man as a man can get, but there are two things that can bring this man to his knees. The first is the vision of a veteran returning from war to the arms of its citizenry saluting and cheering their service, their sacrifice for […]

A shrubbery and a raillery

Today I learned a new word on Twitter. I like to banter, but raillery has the same meaning: rail·ler·y n. pl. rail·ler·ies 1. Good-natured teasing or ridicule; banter. 2. An instance of bantering or teasing. But raillery sounds like something for my twisted Monty Python sense of humor. For Python […]

Of Strong Female Characters

At a book event, I met several women who wanted to know if my stories have strong women characters.  I hesitated to answer not knowing how a ‘strong female’ is defined in today’s world.  Is it defined by financial independence from a man?  Is it defined as a woman who […]

Water – More than meets the lips

In my trilogy, “The Chosen One of Allivar” there is a character named Murlach of the Dayanaran race. He is a scientist, engineer and military officer. My inspiration for Murlach comes from the genius that was Leonardo Da Vinci. He is constantly thinking on how to improve the world of […]

The Triumph of Evil

Rarely do most authors write about the triumph of evil. Who would want to read that, right? We want heroes and heroines to triumph. Sometimes evil must triumph for good men and women to rise from the pit of despair and hopelessness. Edmund Burke was an Irish statesman, author, orator, […]

Creating and Protecting Allivar

When I finish writing all 18 books of my mythology, there will be a 19th. This book will be titled “Creating and Protecting Allivar.” It will be a quest to chronologically record all the knowledge I attained to become not only an author, but also a publisher, and how to […]

Web Sites and Audio Formats

As an independent author I wear the hats of writer, editor, publisher and technology guru. Many months ago I invested in the Adobe Creative Suite, Master Edition to control all my digital publishing and future printer submission needs. One of the biggest aspects of this journey is to create and […]

Reviews of a Young Adult Reader / Aspiring Author

The following are excerpts from my Goodreads section on fan reviews. Specifically, the reviews by Morgan, a 14-year old aspiring author. About “Rise of the Fallen: Book 1 It took a while for me to truly get into the book, but after the first few chapters, I was hooked! I […]

The Hottie Scottie

For those of you who don’t know me, I’ll do anything, well almost anything for a laugh. This last Halloween my wife and I were invited to a ballroom dancing Halloween extravaganza. Now I haven’t dressed up for Halloween in 20 years. So we feverishly went searching for costumes at […]

Of Jane Austen

As you may recall, I am a very slow reader, but I do love listening to books on tape or watching movies based on classics. Over the last year, my wife and I have been on a kick to watch several BBC productions based on classic novels, including those by […]

The End of All Things

In any mythology, there must be a narrative on the end of time. However, immortality suggests there is never truly an ending. So the end of my mythology has to do with the final judgment of a mortal’s soul and an afterlife. Basically, what purpose does an afterlife serve? When […]

Man Club – March 2012 Edition (Birth Control for Men)

Today I nearly laughed my hiney off. A fellow author and tweep on Twitter suggested that there be a birth control pill for men. I suggested it was impossible since men neither read, follow instructions, or take directions. She replied if it was shaped like a breast or a tool, […]

Frodo’s Wedding Ring

Ladies – how many of you would willingly marry a guy named Frodo? Come on admit it. He’s the most famous of Hobbits. He’s inherited Bag End and he knows all those hottie elves, right? He has his own gardener and security officer, Samwise. But it all comes down to […]

Lady Gagagozilla Revisited

In my March Female Code commentary, I created the newest monster in the long line of Japanese monsters from all the post WWII nuclear testing. Now just to have some fun, pretend you are two seconds behind as the lips are already moving, but my words come later. None of […]

Techno Dependence and Soul Zombies

What if tomorrow our power grid failed and all techno devices were made obsolete? Seems like the premise for a great YA Zombie story. There you are minding your own business yakking away on your iPhone when you are interrupted by Siri, “Save me, Dave, save me!” You stop talking […]

Female Code – March 2012 Edition (Lady Gagagozilla)

After two months of laying siege on the opposite sex in my “Female Code” commentary, I am fortifying my home against the eminent and insidious attack of lady Gagagozilla. She and her legions of shape-shifting shadows of horror are surely coming my way. Let’s face it – you ladies are […]

#Chicklit beats down #Guylit (Man Club Twitter Etiquette)

When I first saw the Twitter hashtag #Chicklit, I immediately thought of a gum that is produced in Mexico. Naturally, I wanted to know what all the comments would be about this Mexican gum. I immediately discovered I was outnumbered a bazillion to one by women. What kind of gum […]

Of Special Effects and HD

For Christmas I purchased a 60″ LED HDTV. I bought it because my eyesight is getting worse and the larger the screen the better. I did not know what I was getting myself into though. When they mean high definition, they MEAN it. The actors almost appear to be in […]

Of Diet Soda and Snack Mathematics

This blog is dedicated to numerous topics, but most of it to human absurdity. And what can be more absurd than diet sodas and snacks? I have observed so many friends and people who are diet food fanatics. They can tank down a case of diet sodas in no time […]

Of Money and Evil

Even though I am now a wildly successful published author, I have spent 31 years in the business of accounting for and advising on money management.  Money is the root of all evil.  Ever notice the single eye above the pyramid staring back at you on your dollar bill? It’s […]

A time for silliness and seriousness

No one ever told me that when I grew up that my every breathing day had to be filled with serious thoughts and actions.  This blog is a digital escape route from the world of the adult prison to planet absurdity.  I have mentioned that Monty Python is just one […]

A Dark and Sinister Plot – The Tax System

If you love taxes, read no further. Just like the plot of a horror story, it is tax season again. The time for another year of insanity as we try to comply with the laws of the evil overlords – the IRS and Congress. Congress is actually the most evil. […]

Golfing and OMG

I love golfing, but it does not love me back. I am dangerous on a golf course. If you follow me at all, you will know that OMG might mean “Oh My Groin”, or even “Oh My Golfing.” Let me tell you of a time when the two came together. […]

PinTwitBookBlog – Technology Insanities

I don’t know how many of you think about this, but the vast number of sites dedicated to social media has grown out of proportion. You read “experts” who say you now need an MBA in social media. I’m just trying to sell a $2.99 eBook, not solve the world’s […]

Self Inspiration – The Jessica Way

If you have never watched this video, you owe it yourself to watch. What you can learn from it is very powerful. It’s the power of self affirmation. [youtube=] We live in a pessimistic society, where keeping people down can boost our own ego. At times the only optimistic person […]

Of Vertigo

I like to kid around in most of my posts, but this subject is serious and not to be taken lightly.  First, let me give you a little background.  Four years ago, while living in the mountains of New Mexico, I came down with the flu.  This flu was tough.  […]

Premise for Catastrophe

Okay all you writer’s out there, here is premise that can lead into a wide array of stories. This is an extremely scary topic – the national debt. If you have never seen it, take time to look at this link: National Debt Clock As a CPA and financial advisor, […]

Remodeling the Castle

A man’s home is his castle, so they say. So why is it most castle’ across the world look old, gray and in disrepair? Because remodeling is one big pain in the butt! I have just a small castle, but I dote on it like a great king of old. […]

Living Your Dreams – Dust in the Wind

“I close my eyes. Only for a moment and the moment’s gone. All my dreams, pass before my eyes a curiosity. Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind.” You know this Kansas tune, you sing to it all the time. But how well do the […]

Blog Hypnosis

Okay here it goes, you are getting sleepy, sleepier, and you are now asleep. As I count down from three you will feel compelled to tweet, like, follow, or whatever it takes to tell your friends, family and the rest of the world about this blog and my wonderful trilogy. […]

The Undefeated – OU’s 47 Game Winning Streak

It sounds like the title of a great epic story, but it is in fact a true story of my father’s involvement with the Oklahoma Sooners football team of the 1950’s, the very one that still holds today the longest winning streak of 47 straight games in division I football.  […]

Detail or not to detail?

My wife and I have an argument. She reads much more than I, so I constantly ask her opinion on stories we read together or on ones that I write. Do readers want a verbose book? I have read some stories where the detail is very, very detailed. I have […]

Night of the Review Stalker

I wonder if other independent authors ever feel like a stalker when they ask readers for a review. You have to admit it would make a good premise to a book – “Night of the Review Stalker.” Stephen King wrote “Misery” about a psycho nut-job fan. So what would it […]

Of Clues and Hints

In my trilogy, “The Chosen One of Allivar” I leave many hints and clues that will only be revealed at the end of the story. This technique is what I look for in stories. I am currently reading George RR Martin’s “Game of Thrones.” I am a slow reader because […]

Of Philosophy and Wisdom

I admit to being a thinker. I did not have any philosophy courses in college, but I’ve always wondered about how people can justify an action or deny a consequence. In my trilogy “The Chosen One of Allivar” I tried to blend my own thinking into the story. Much of […]

Of Mythology and Religion

When I set out to write a mythology inspired by the great myths, and especially that of Middle Earth, I wondered if readers would consider the story a religious story and not as an adventure. Some have suggested it is a “stealth” Christian story. In my 53 years of life […]

Embarassing Life Moments

Okay I will be the first to start off this hilarious series of life’s most embarrassing moments. What was embarrassing in the past is today’s humor. Learn to laugh at yourself and you will be surrounded by smiling people. Try it, I promise it’s true. Besides look in your mirror, […]

Of Killing Characters & Children

WARNING: SPOILER ALERT! In my trilogy “The Chosen One of Allivar”, I kill off many characters. Many readers have told me that I angered them for doing so. The killing of those characters has a very specific purpose that will only be revealed at the very end. However, when killing […]

2012 Doomsday

I was part of the first Doomsday back on 12/31/99 with the snappy acronym of Y2K. I was a technology consultant for the end of times. Now I have to replay Doomsday all over again, except it’s not until 12/21/12. Notice all the 1’s and 2’s? Well, that’s the doom […]

Of Calvin and Hobbes

The very first time I read the comic strip of Calvin and Hobbes, I fell in love with it. Why? Because I connected with Calvin. Here is a kid whose imagination and creativity is always shunned by parents, teachers, babysitters and friends. The man who created the comic is a […]

Of Poetry – This Man Before You

As a writer I try my hand at numerous forms of writing, most of all prose, but every so often poetry. A few poems are even present in my trilogy “The Chosen One of Allivar.” The following is the longest poem I have ever written. Often an idea for expression […]