Of Vertigo

I like to kid around in most of my posts, but this subject is serious and not to be taken lightly.  First, let me give you a little background.  Four years ago, while living in the mountains of New Mexico, I came down with the flu.  This flu was tough.  What happened next is something everyone needs to pay close attention to.  If you get dizzy, and that dizziness will not leave, get to a qualified doctor immediately.  Do not rush to a county clinic or to a doctor whose office caters to Medicare and Medicaid patients; they are running a volume practice.

When my dizziness would not stop, even after a week, I called and demanded a referral to a specialist.  I could not function as everything in my sight was bouncing back and forth, causing nauseau, vomiting and inability to perform tasks to run my CPA business.  My wife had to drive me everywhere and my ability to earn a living began to suffer.  I could not even type.  It was horrible.  Well, after finally taking matters into my own hands, I finally went through a series of tests, including a CAT scan for the presence of tumors.  Luckily I was clear of that.  I then went to a specialist, who referred me to yet another specialist.  In the end, it was concluded that a nerve from my ear to my brain had been destroyed by the flu virus, creating vertigo.  Therefore, one function of the ears that provides equilibrium was lost forever.  Astronauts returning to earth experience this vertigo.

Luckily, the same therapy astronauts’ use was available for me.  When your ears do not provide the equilibrium, the eyes then must convince the brain that all is correct.  So for 8 months I underwent this therapy and all returned to normal, although at times, my ability to type is affected.  But at points along the way, I was convinced my life had been altered forever and I would have to deal with a life-long disability.

I tell you this story because a client of mine while in the mountains, an orthopedic surgeon, also suffered the attack of a virus.  He did not seek attention in time and the virus attacked his central nervous system. He has lost a majority of control over his motor skills, his way of life and ability to work is permanently disabled and he is dependent on others, for life.

So please, tell everyone you know to take dizziness very seriously.