Rarely do most authors write about the triumph of evil. Who would want to read that, right? We want heroes and heroines to triumph. Sometimes evil must triumph for good men and women to rise from the pit of despair and hopelessness. Edmund Burke was an Irish statesman, author, orator, political theorist and philosopher who is attributed to the following quote:
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
This quote depicted the political days of the late 1700’s in which political powers exercised corrupt control and made life unbearable for English citizens. However, the citizens were apathetic and frankly, lazy. Sloth was the order of the day. Sloth alone can lead to the collapse of a civilization and in one story of my upcoming chronicles series, the fall of a complete world. For those not familiar with sloth, it is one of the seven deadly sins. In its simplest terms it means we know what we are supposed to do, but we are too lazy and can always justify not doing what needs to be done.
In my trilogy “The Chosen One of Allivar,” I refer to this sentiment. Evil is allowed to rise by the actions of those that seek power and by the inaction of those that can prevent it. The first nine chapters are devoted to the rise of evil and the corruption of men and women. The remainder of book one and all of books two and three are devoted to the rise of good men and women who make a final stand against evil. Now the history and the stories of good men and women who fought the rise of evil are compressed in those first nine chapters. When I laid out the outline for the trilogy, I also outlined the premise for the “Chronicles.”
Although this mythology is an epic fantasy adventure it is written for us as humans to relate to our current world and times. In places, you will find philosophical and moral narratives. This is meant not to preach, but to have you think and to observe the world around you.
The chronicles will be much larger volumes of work than the trilogy in that so much has to be covered on how evil triumphs over the fall of nine worlds and its attempt to destroy the last world, Allivar, over six ages. These stories will touch the very nature of the moral and ethical issues we humans deal with now and in the past. Evil will triumph in these stories. They will be tragic and gut wrenching stories. They must be – they serve a purpose; to awaken the inner soul that calls us to harms way for what is good and right:
“Rise now good men and women, evil shall not be allowed to triumph!”