Reviews of a Young Adult Reader / Aspiring Author

The following are excerpts from my Goodreads section on fan reviews. Specifically, the reviews by Morgan, a 14-year old aspiring author.

About “Rise of the Fallen: Book 1

It took a while for me to truly get into the book, but after the first few chapters, I was hooked! I loved how detailed the first few chapters were. The author gave me a great view of the history of the wonderful universe. I’m a huge J.R.R. Tolkien fan, but I have to say that this was 100 times better than the Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, and the Silmarillion combined! The races of Allivar’s living beings are much more creative than elves, men, dwarves, hobbits, etc. I think that even if you were a person who doesn’t really care for fiction/fantasy, you would still be hooked on this book and perhaps change your opinion on those types of genres.

About “Bound to Forbidden Lands” Book 2

The first book ended in an epic cliffhanger that has you begging for the next book! I was lucky that I had the Amazon Kindle versions of all three books. The story picks right back up from where the first book ended, with no boring fill-ins or any other nonsense that most trilogies have. This one is also my favorite of The Chosen One of Allivar trilogy. I think it has the most action, and unlike other books (Including Lord of the Rings), I can actually feel like I am in the scene. I don’t even have to close my eyes to get a good view of a battle or scene. There are also some of the most epic parts in the trilogy here, as well as some parts that I keep going back to read.

About “Last Stand of the Living” Book 3

The third book was amazing! The ending was very satisfying, but still had you wishing for it not to end. The battles seemed so close as if they were taking place right in front of the chair you were sitting in. Reading many of the thrilling parts made you want to grab that pillow you were lying on and whack that Gregoron. This was also the first book to ever have me in tears! I laughed out loud in many parts, but was seriously shedding tears in a lot of parts as well. It’s a great ending to any trilogy, and leaves you feeling fulfilled and imaginative. I’ve also loved seeing the ‘forbidden love’ theme going on through all of the action with the main character. Some of the book broke my heart, while some had me unable to smile any bigger. I truly recommend this trilogy to anyone, young or old.

When I began drafting my story, my goal was to appeal to all ages and races. For Allivar has a special meaning “The One Family.” Well, I believe I have passed at least one test, with one reader.