Yearly Archives: 2013

134 posts

Just when you thought you had seen it all. Hairy stockings. Leave it up to my friends on Facebook to lead me to the most absurd item of the week.  Sorry folks my witty humorous mind was away from writing as I completed my continuing education requirements as a CPA.  However in the midst of tax laws and investments, I […]

The Fall of Helloria Prologue – Spoiler Alert

I am not a fan of prologues.  As an author I want a story to unfold and the reader to grow into the story.  However I understand their purpose to assist readers in a purchasing decision.  Below is the first draft of the prologue for the upcoming release of the […]

Apocalypse Monthly – June 2013 Edition (So very close)

Tragedies can change a person.  Sometimes for the best and sometimes for the worst.  This May I heard more tornado sirens being sounded that at any other time in my life.  I live in Norman, OK just nine miles from  Moore and seventeen miles from Oklahoma City.  There were horrible […]

The Man Club – June 2013 Edition (Wedding crashers – on the rocks)

This month I explored the insanity of a June wedding and why it means anything at all to women.  Women are insane, but clever.  Let’s revisit the movie the Wedding Crashers.  Here two heroes have conquered the world of women, only to succumb to their succubus clever ways.  By the […]