Yearly Archives: 2013

134 posts

2013 – Just Another Absurd Year

Well we’ve come to the close of another year.  Another year chock full of the absurdity of humans.  So let’s count down the top absurdities voted on in a poll of randomly selected readers [Me].  You can even read my past social commentary at the very time the absurdity occurred. […]

Mele Kalikimaka

My wife and I are moving to Hawaii in 2014.  We are attempting to immerse ourselves into the Hawaiian culture and its language all the way from Oklahoma City.  Learning to pronounce Hawaiian words and phrases is new and challenging, and frankly – hilarious!  For example the state fish: We’ve […]

Female Code – November 2013 Edition (Black Friday, Blue Monday)

It has arrived, the official insane season.  The season of deep discounts and more useless gadgets, version 9.11.  The time of year where peace and love abound amongst men of goodwill.  You noticed I said “men.” Who am I kidding, it’s the season for Mad Maxine shopping and 2013 is […]