EW Greenlee

120 posts

I can, I will and I did

I just finished watching Les Miserables.  Something struck me from the lyrics to the song, “I dreamed a dream” which ended with, ” Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.” This last week I came to the realization that it is not life itself that kills the dreams of […]

Why You Should Read My Trilogy – Spoiler Alert

I just finished watching the Life of Pi and was moved deeply by the story. I have the book on my Kindle, but can’t seem to find the time to sit and read as I fulfill my professional duties and the little time remaining to writing.  The story to me […]

The Other “F” Word – Bran Brand Bombs

I always watch my blog statistics to see what people are interested in reading.  Appears Farts are leading the interest of our intellect craving nation, well, other than sex.  Today’s commentary has to do with the inappropriate branding and nutrition information of cereals that have fiber as an ingredient.  There […]

Golf Indigestion – March 2013 Edition (White Gangsta Golfers)

I have never understood the fascination with the hip-hop world, especially white boys pretending to have rhythm and ghetto swagger.  If you feel I am wrong about this, please watch this. [youtube=http://youtu.be/iiiOqybRvsM] Are you still confused?  What about Justin Bleeber, or whatever he is?  You all should know by now […]