Monthly Archives: May 2013

15 posts

The Value of Time

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” —Mark Twain My wife posted this quote today on her Facebook […]

Coffee Chaos – May 2013 Edition (Children)

We have been watching our grandson while our daughter-in-law continues in Dental School.  She will be responsible for taking care of the chaos in my mouth for the remainder of my life.  Part of that chaos is surely attributable to my love of coffee.  For a very long time neither […]

The Man Club – May 2013 Edition (Mother May Day)

May is a special month.  May 1st is where we may celebrate or we may protest against work.  As a professionally starving writer, I celebrate that my accounting skills may support me, while I may just become a world best-selling author.  It is also the month we may celebrate Cinco […]

The Female Code – May 2013 Edition (The Girls)

I follow many people’s blogs.  They provide insight to people’s thinking or sense of humor. They provide me with inspiration.  I especially love reading those written by women, because even after 53 years of life I still haven’t a clue what makes them tick and then explode.  Well, one blogger […]