Monthly Archives: May 2013

15 posts

The Extended, Extended, Extended Warranty On Extension

Today on Facebook I socialized with a fellow author over a mixer.  This author’s mixer died and I commented how only authors can provide narrative to the humanistic sounds an inanimate object can make.   I asked if she had given it a name.  “Stupid,” was her reply.  I replied that […]

Cool or Creepy? Only in the eyes of computers.

Do you remember when you were little and there were small advertisements in your comic books for x-ray vision glasses?  Supposedly you could see through women’s clothing. I was not that inquisitive, nor am I to wear Google’s newest gadget.  Creepy?  You bet.  I watched a demonstration as a person […]

The Cosmic Snowball

Last night I found myself in a heated discussion with my daughter over my trilogy.  I am reformatting the stories under my publishing company control and I am going to insert a Prologue.  I truly hate prologues, but apparently we live in a period of time where readers want a […]