I am Arimar

As I stand here overlooking the forces amassed against us, I ask how did it come to this?  I have now journeyed for two years and have faced evil at every turn.  Somehow I survived my journey north and freed those enslaved by King Yubal and aided in the freeing of his mind.  Yet at every step Haggarfuse and his minions watched and waited for me to stumble.  So many have looked up to me and so many times I have failed them.  Why did you choose me? What do you see that I cannot?

Our journey home through the forbidden lands cost us dearly and in those lands of death I almost lost Elissia, the one I love, yet the very one I cannot reveal my love to. Would their lives have been better had I not been born?  To carry the weight of prophecy as the chosen one of Allivar has been a struggle.  I am no immortal, even with these gifts I have been given. The immortals, these fallen stewards have risen against us all and their armies now stand before me, trembling the very ground and veiling the light of the heavens.  Their beasts and machines of war are about to be unleashed.  I fear the moment that this final war shall begin.

I have so many questions unanswered.  Who are my parents and are they still alive?  Do they suffer not knowing my fate as much as I suffer not knowing theirs?  Why was I chosen and why do the captains of the living races follow me?  Why should they lay down their lives to follow me?  I have sent out the word for aid and yet the message never made it out of the valley.  We are alone and outnumbered one hundred and forty thousand to four hundred million.  I cannot withstand this onslaught, or provide words of comfort, yet I have been asked to make a stand by the Unseen.  I do not see his purpose. Without victory all my efforts seem useless and meaningless.  Why am I here, what is to be gained?  As I turn to see my company, men and women ready to lay down their lives, I owe them everything that I am.  Why do they follow me?  Why did you choose me?

For forty days the battle has raged and all around me, all that I have befriended and loved as my own family, lie dead before me. They have fought beyond recall. I have been cursed by the sole survivors and now I stand alone.  My body is mortally wounded, yet nothing is as painful as my heart which now bursts. Have we, have I been forsaken by you my creator?  I have a choice, be taken by you now or stand for the last of the living.  By my death, should the last heavenly world of Allivar remain, then my purpose would have been just.  Just remember me, my creator, the one you named the messenger. What message shall I leave when the world succumbs to defeat and darkness, when I could not protect them.  I would give my life here and now, for peace and a new day’s dawn. Why did you choose me?

As the darkness almost takes me there a glorious light. My spirit is renewed and a voice calls out to me.  “I have chosen well.  You shall suffer no more doubts and all your questions shall fade.  You have stood as I have asked. Now prepare for my stand.  Now who are you?”

I am Arimar, the Chosen One of Allivar.
