Yearly Archives: 2012

227 posts

Bathing Suit Bod

Right here, right now it is time for me to get in shape for a bathing suit bod. Unfortunately I have gained weight by overeating and drinking during the cold winter. Then tax season keeps me sitting on my rump absorbing calories while looking for deductible expenses and eating doo-dads. […]

Waterfalls in Hawaii

When I was young and newly married we could not afford a honeymoon. We waited four years and finally started looking at going to Hawaii. We saw brochures of sexy couples smooching under a crystal clear blue waterfall. We had to go just to find that picture-perfect waterfall. So we […]

The Ultimate Super Trilogy Book Trailer

I admit fully that my trilogy, “The Chosen One of Allivar” was inspired by “The Lord of the Rings”, “The Hobbit” and “The Silmarillion”.  Put all three of these stories together and you can dream for the remainder of your lifetime.  When I completed writing my trilogy I went into […]

Hello world!

Welcome to! This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it. Happy blogging!

R is for Revenge

Today’s A to Z writing challenge is the letter “R” for Revenge. Defined as: To inflict punishment in return for injury or insult. In my mythology “The Chosen One of Allivar” revenge is the motive for the chief antagonist – Haggarfuse. Haggarfuse is a Charafuse, or angel of the light. […]

When did Vampires Become Romantic?

Imagine you are on a date and across from you is a nice and normal looking young woman, sitting eloquently in the nice and dark restaurant she suggested for the first date. Then she smiles at you and you notice long and very pointy canines. Is that the moment you […]

I’m not ready AARP – enough already!

Once you turn 50 you begin to receive unsolicited membership packages from AARP. You know them -they are the group that advocates and sells products to old people. Hey! AARP – read my Blog! I am not OLD yet! I’m properly seasoned, like a fine filet mignon. Yet my shredder […]