Monthly Archives: September 2012

12 posts

A Toast to Authors

I am a member of Toastmasters International. Why? As an author, it provides me with the tools to present my stories to the public. It provides a feedback forum on my interpersonal skills, communication skills and yes, even my writing skills, because I convert my written speech to verbal. In […]

Hamming it up

As an author I am able to converse with other authors from many countries.  My favorite is to converse with British people because their sense of humor is closer to mine than American humor.  I was raised on watching Monty Python’s Flying Circus on PBS whenever our rabbit ears and […]

Of Mythology and Tragedy

I am currently on my fourth book of a nineteen story mythology.  I have already completed a trilogy which by itself stands alone as very entertaining and though provoking read.   This fourth book is an expansion of the history contained in the first nine chapters of the first book of […]

Man Club – September Edition

This month on the opposing blog edition, Female Code, is a post the lengths women go through to have a baby and all that follows afterwards.  I called this post Baby Olympics, because I finally realized it was a game between women.  If one announced she was pregnant, a race […]