Reviewing an Indie Author’s Works

An independent author’s success is dependent on one thing and one thing only, the reviews of their readers. We need a review to prove people are actually reading our stories and to assist us in improving as an author.  Because of this we independent authors have to have a thick skin to ask for a review and to receive constructive criticism.

I have mentioned before that I am a member of Toastmasters International.  Part of that membership is the art of crafting speeches, presenting speeches and being evaluated by peers.  We also have contests on our speeches.  As an evaluator, your job is to be honest, yet constructive.  Here are some of the guidelines to a speech evaluation that you as a reader can consider when posting a review:

  1. Identify what you liked about the story and the characters.
  2. Give your opinion on areas where the story could have been better, without giving away any spoilers.
  3. Supply comparisons if possible to other stories you think the author should read.
  4. Supply comments of areas of improvement.
  5. Supply a rating and a recommendation.

Life is about evaluation.  We all are evaluated in one manner or another.  We should all strive to help someone who is making an effort to improve.  Belittling someone for flaws helps no one.  At some point in time we all need the assistance of another person. Sometimes we fail to ask for an evaluation and assume we are either really good or really bad.

With all this said,  if you have read my trilogy I am now asking for your assistance. I have given ten years of my life in  creating an entertaining, thought provoking and emotional epic. Please post an honest, yet constructive review.  My success as a writer is dependent upon your simple act of kindness and giving up five minutes of your time to assist another.  I am sure I speak for most indie authors that it is you the reader we care most about.  Let me and other indie authors know how we are doing.

You have my thanks and appreciation.

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