Monthly Archives: February 2012

32 posts

The Chronicles

When I began my quest of writing a fantasy based on mythology, I had only a trilogy in mind. That changed as I neared the completion of the trilogy. Now my mythology is set to have 18 total stories. As my mind raced to make the trilogy as exciting as […]

Of Monsters and Demons

Fear gives us a heightened state of awareness. When writing my trilogy “The Chosen One of Allivar” I kept this in my mind at all times. I recall telling ghost stories at a camp one summer and being frightened enough to not sleep. I recall watching the “Exorcist” alone, which […]

Trailer Trash Tuesday

I just saw a Tweet that referred to Trailer Trash Tuesday. Well why not an “official” Trailer Trash Day? Somebody has to make this stuff up so why not me for today? We have the Talk like a Pirate Day, why not a Trailer Trash Day? You have to admit […]