Monthly Archives: February 2012

32 posts

Self Inspiration – The Jessica Way

If you have never watched this video, you owe it yourself to watch. What you can learn from it is very powerful. It’s the power of self affirmation. [youtube=] We live in a pessimistic society, where keeping people down can boost our own ego. At times the only optimistic person […]

Of Vertigo

I like to kid around in most of my posts, but this subject is serious and not to be taken lightly.  First, let me give you a little background.  Four years ago, while living in the mountains of New Mexico, I came down with the flu.  This flu was tough.  […]

Remodeling the Castle

A man’s home is his castle, so they say. So why is it most castle’ across the world look old, gray and in disrepair? Because remodeling is one big pain in the butt! I have just a small castle, but I dote on it like a great king of old. […]

Blog Hypnosis

Okay here it goes, you are getting sleepy, sleepier, and you are now asleep. As I count down from three you will feel compelled to tweet, like, follow, or whatever it takes to tell your friends, family and the rest of the world about this blog and my wonderful trilogy. […]

The Undefeated – OU’s 47 Game Winning Streak

It sounds like the title of a great epic story, but it is in fact a true story of my father’s involvement with the Oklahoma Sooners football team of the 1950’s, the very one that still holds today the longest winning streak of 47 straight games in division I football.  […]

Detail or not to detail?

My wife and I have an argument. She reads much more than I, so I constantly ask her opinion on stories we read together or on ones that I write. Do readers want a verbose book? I have read some stories where the detail is very, very detailed. I have […]