CPA versus Author (Jeykll and Hyde)

Alien vs Predator, Cowboys vs Aliens, Pokey vs Gumby – you name it there is always some duel between conflicting forces, but none more serious than those in our subconscious.  Inside of me are two conflicting characters.  One is the logical and analytical, drab and uninteresting CPA whose sole existence is protecting the good of the public interest. Then there is the author, whose imagination  was unleashed from the mortal prison of conformity to create or destroy.  Oh the power!


Since 1998 I have fought a battle over the complexities of the mortal induced madness called “The Code.”  Yes, that ridiculous collection of laws and regulations that bleed the unsuspecting turnip and even bloodless vampires every April 15th. Then there is the financial statement.  Yes the one that not too many read or understand.  The will buy a stock based on “coolness” factor rather than P/E ratio. I can spout off tax code and financial standards till I am blue in the face and my client crashes on the floor from a boredom induced sleep. I see myself as Dr. Jekyll, but my clients see me as hideous Mr. Hyde.

The Author

I have written stories, many still trapped in the dungeon of my mind, since 1976, but in 2011 I unleashed the product of a decade’s worth of plotting in my mythological quest with the trilogy – The Chosen One of Allivar.  Somewhere my other personality was dying to be set free and the words came easily, although not grammatically correct, which I blame on being a CPA.  Hey,  it’s a numbers thingy.  For ten years the hideous Mr. Hyde went to work plotting massive battles and evil deeds, while Dr. Jekyll said concentrate on tax returns and books.  I admit fully Mr. Hyde was winning within.  I wanted to break free and join the ranks of the deviously creative.

So what stands in the way of Mr. Hyde’s triumph?  You.  Yes you, the reader.  Here is your chance to cheer the Mr. Hyde in me.  Buy my books, review and rate me, then utterly and completely defeat, yes, defeat Dr. Jekyll.  Will you join me in my quest?  I need captains who will lead me to victory and seal Dr. Jekyll to the dark abyss forever.  So spread the word amongst the lands and across the seas.  Mr. Hyde shall soon be on the loose with more great tales of epic proportion.  Rise now!  Rise now!  For death and glory and new published story.

Dramatic – yes?

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