You see them all the time, little sayings embedded around cute pictures of puppies and kittens, or women without coffee (not so cute). I always wondered how they did it. In 2011, I purchased the Adobe Creative Suite Master Edition so that I could become a self publisher of my fantasy mythology. I have been able to compose my book trailer and create my website. Each day I learn something new. Last week I began the process of editing and formatting my fourth book of the nineteen book mythology with Adobe InDesign.
Today I learned how to use images cropped out of a photo with PhotoShop and imported into an Adobe Illustrator file. There I added simple text and exported the result to a PNG format which you now see above.
As you can see Famous Hamish is now getting quite skilled at the art of manipulation. What do I have planed next? Is it a trip to Disney Land or Vegas? No, it’s a project to start illustrating by tracing sketches of my creatures, maps, and scenes from the stories for the web and advertising. From there I can then design my own eBook covers.
Where will this all end? Heck, who knows, right now I am having a blast learning a series of software products that will bring one step closer to a dream of complete publishing prowess. Only audacious haggis hurling Famous Hamish would dare such a journey.