Of Mythology

My trilogy “The Chosen One of Allivar” is difficult to describe in a 30 second elevator speech as many have suggested. So, after long and hard thought, the best way I can describe it is to use a quote from one of my research aids. “Mythology” the visual reference guide by Philip Wilkinson and Neil Philip, which is an excellent read by the way. The header on page 14 pretty much sums it up.

“Myths are sacred stories. They tell of the creation of the world; the emergence of gods and the first men and women; the adventures of heroes and the audacity of tricksters; the nature of the heavens and the Underworld; and what will happen when time comes to an end. Every human culture has its own myths that are passed on from one generation to the next.”

And there you have it. The trilogy is a mythology and nothing more. It is not a stealth Christian story, although Christians, Jews and Muslims may find many similarities to their faith. I am not espousing a new religion, just a story. I recall how JRR Tolkien had presented “The Silmarillion” to his publisher and how they rejected it. “The Silmarillion” is the creation story of Tolkien’s universe and laid the history for the complete comprehension of “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit”. In my opinion, to not read his entire works is to miss out on a great mythology. From this knowledge of Tolkien’s world, the great Greek and Roman myths, the canonized and non-canonized stories of the Bible, I began to craft my very own mythology.

The first nine chapters of book one, “Rise of the Fallen”, deals with the development of my universe and sets the stage for the 18 books to follow. The trilogy can be read alone because it has a definite beginning and ending that completes a full circle. The “chronicles” are sixteen stories that will expand upon the mythology and will lead right back into full comprehension of the mythology, but just from a different perspective. I promise those that have read the complete trilogy, they will not be disappointed.

For those who immediately drop the first book before completing the trilogy, all I can say is keep an open mind and continue to its conclusion. For those that do not believe in the Torah, Bible or Koran, read my stories simply as literature. Study them for the great stories and philosophy. I, for one, believe in free will, so exercise your free will to gain as much knowledge as possible. I can promise you this, if you make it to the final battle between good and evil in book three, “Last Stand of the Living” you will be on visual and emotional overload.

To learn more, start your journey here on my website




Rise of the Fallen (Published)

Bound to Forbidden Lands (Published)

Last Stand of the Living (Published)


The Fall of Helloria (First Edit Phase Feb 2013)

The Fall of Europia (Premise Phase)

The Fall of Jeronia (Premise Phase)

The Fall of Isoria (Premise Phase)

The Fall of Glutonia (Premise Phase)

The Fall of Floria (Premise Phase)

The Fall of Denmaria (Premise Phase)

The Fall of Clempatria (Premise Phase)

The Fall of Borealia (Premise Phase)


The Age of the Warrior (Premise Phase)

The Age of the Barbarian (Premise Phase)

The Age of the Slayer (Premise Phase)

The Age of the Bloody (Premise Phase)

The Age of the Damned (Premise Phase)

The Age of the Conqueror (Premise Phase)

The Age of Light (Premise Phase)
