Meet Author Hemmie Martin

Authors are a great group of people, we convert our imagination into stories to entertain, to touch souls and to give us thought. With this in mind, I feel obligated to assist my fellow authors, wherever and whenever I can. If you are considering writing, you may also learn some valuable tips by what we have to say. Following is an interview of author Hemmie Martin who hails from the realm of the United Kingdom, whose history alone provides a great background for any story. Reach and support an author today.


Author Name: Hemmie Martin

Book title: The Divine Pumpkin

Genre: Fiction-drama


Date of publication: May 2012

Book blurb: Forensic Nurse Paloma Parker seems to have her life in order, but she can’t seem to have a meaningful romantic relationship. Her newest patient, an incarcerated juvenile named Ella, has a connection with her that is fully realised when Paloma’s family secret is revealed. As Ella yearns for inner peace and Paloma searches for love, these two women may just hold the key to each other’s very different kinds of freedom.

How long did it take you to write this book? About a year.

How did you find a publisher? Winter Goose followed me on Twitter and I followed them back.

How have you promoted your book? Winter Goose will do some promoting and I use Twitter and Facebook.

How do you combat writer’s block, if you indeed experience it? I take a break from writing and read, cook or day dream.

What other writing do you do? I try short stories – although I’m too verbose to keep them short enough.

What methods do you use to plan/write your book? I use cue cards, one for each character and one for each chapter, that way I don’t forget the characteristics of the protagonist. I use a mind map to outline the story.

How long have you been writing prior to getting published? Four years.

How do you cope with rejections? I accept them as part of the writing journey, and move on.

What piece of advice would you give to debut writers? To not feel defeated by rejections and to keep writing, as by doing that they will improve their craft. Never give up.

Are you currently writing another book? Yes, I’ve almost finished the first draft.

Where can we purchase your book? Amazon, Barnes & Noble.

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