L is for Love

Today’s A to Z writing challenge is the letter “L” for love. As I near the age of 53, my view of the world is different than it was at age 21. In my 20’s, my type of books or movies would consist of action and science fiction. I was more attracted to the special effects than to the story. What can I say – I was young! Nowadays I am more intrigued with the underlying personal interactions in a story. I tried reading a few young adult paranormal love stories – I truly did. If you are reading this blog consider “The Notebook” by Nichols Sparks. Although I haven’t read the story, the movie is fantastic as it deals with the maturation of people and their love. We see the passion filled physical nature of love, then the binding affects of love as life nears its end. A true love is never broken, regardless of the pains endured…never!

When we are young we are attracted first by the physical appearance. As we age, our love matures and our mate of choice almost becomes a part of us. We cannot stand to be apart for too long. However, short periods of time apart from each other are good for rekindling feelings. When we are young sometimes our love is defined by physical attributes and almost a dependence on another person. That dependence on the other person can lead to some poor choices that leave regrets. Some awaken to realize it was never love at all.

In my trilogy, “The Chosen One of Allivar”, I used my knowledge of my own marriage of 31 years and many that I have witnessed in family and friends to arrive at a plot for the love story that would develop between Arimar and Elissia. Although this trilogy deals with the battle between good and evil, love is a central theme and especially a love for others. Arimar has been chosen to free the beings of the seven races. In his task he is not allowed to love a woman until the completion of his task. Even though he is to be veiled for forty years, he has his first encounter at age seventeen with Elissia. By his young and foolish actions he brings pain and suffering to the world and to Elissia. Guilt ridden he contemplates suicide, not just for his action, but for the need of love. This is how many young adults face the world today. It is only at the wisdom of a beloved character that he finds the strength to endure another twenty three years of maturation.

As Arimar ends the first part of his journey, he is reunited with Elissia. Elissia almost immediately falls in love with him and cannot understand his lack of the same feelings. Arimar does indeed have the same passion, but his task is greater than himself and his needs. The task creates the plot of forbidden love. This forbidden love is tested on the second leg of the journey when Arimar is somewhat distracted in his attempt to keep Elissia alive.

In the final book Arimar’s purpose in life is tested to the very end, including keeping his emotions for Elissia secret. Many of the females who read the trilogy love the story, but found it difficult with regards to the plot of the forbidden love. They felt it would be difficult to continue to have interest in a man that constantly shunned their affections and intentions. With this in mind, I refer to a woman’s motherly instincts. At times a mother would sacrifice her life and separation from her spouse, to protect the life of a child. They would sacrifice all that they are for a greater purpose than their own life. Consider this as you read the story.

Love has many characteristics that we begin to see clearly as we mature.