Monthly Archives: March 2012

24 posts

Fear the Mob

One only has to look at current global news for a premise to a very frightening story. Whether social injustice, right versus left, poor versus wealthy, or other issues the gathering of people under a cause can lead to social disorder, some unintentionally, some not. All one has to do […]

A shrubbery and a raillery

Today I learned a new word on Twitter. I like to banter, but raillery has the same meaning: rail·ler·y n. pl. rail·ler·ies 1. Good-natured teasing or ridicule; banter. 2. An instance of bantering or teasing. But raillery sounds like something for my twisted Monty Python sense of humor. For Python […]

Water – More than meets the lips

In my trilogy, “The Chosen One of Allivar” there is a character named Murlach of the Dayanaran race. He is a scientist, engineer and military officer. My inspiration for Murlach comes from the genius that was Leonardo Da Vinci. He is constantly thinking on how to improve the world of […]

The Triumph of Evil

Rarely do most authors write about the triumph of evil. Who would want to read that, right? We want heroes and heroines to triumph. Sometimes evil must triumph for good men and women to rise from the pit of despair and hopelessness. Edmund Burke was an Irish statesman, author, orator, […]

Creating and Protecting Allivar

When I finish writing all 18 books of my mythology, there will be a 19th. This book will be titled “Creating and Protecting Allivar.” It will be a quest to chronologically record all the knowledge I attained to become not only an author, but also a publisher, and how to […]

Web Sites and Audio Formats

As an independent author I wear the hats of writer, editor, publisher and technology guru. Many months ago I invested in the Adobe Creative Suite, Master Edition to control all my digital publishing and future printer submission needs. One of the biggest aspects of this journey is to create and […]