Monthly Archives: February 2012

32 posts

Night of the Review Stalker

I wonder if other independent authors ever feel like a stalker when they ask readers for a review. You have to admit it would make a good premise to a book – “Night of the Review Stalker.” Stephen King wrote “Misery” about a psycho nut-job fan. So what would it […]

Of Clues and Hints

In my trilogy, “The Chosen One of Allivar” I leave many hints and clues that will only be revealed at the end of the story. This technique is what I look for in stories. I am currently reading George RR Martin’s “Game of Thrones.” I am a slow reader because […]

Embarassing Life Moments

Okay I will be the first to start off this hilarious series of life’s most embarrassing moments. What was embarrassing in the past is today’s humor. Learn to laugh at yourself and you will be surrounded by smiling people. Try it, I promise it’s true. Besides look in your mirror, […]