Yearly Archives: 2012

227 posts

Of Special Effects and HD

For Christmas I purchased a 60″ LED HDTV. I bought it because my eyesight is getting worse and the larger the screen the better. I did not know what I was getting myself into though. When they mean high definition, they MEAN it. The actors almost appear to be in […]

Of Diet Soda and Snack Mathematics

This blog is dedicated to numerous topics, but most of it to human absurdity. And what can be more absurd than diet sodas and snacks? I have observed so many friends and people who are diet food fanatics. They can tank down a case of diet sodas in no time […]

Of Money and Evil

Even though I am now a wildly successful published author, I have spent 31 years in the business of accounting for and advising on money management.  Money is the root of all evil.  Ever notice the single eye above the pyramid staring back at you on your dollar bill? It’s […]

A time for silliness and seriousness

No one ever told me that when I grew up that my every breathing day had to be filled with serious thoughts and actions.  This blog is a digital escape route from the world of the adult prison to planet absurdity.  I have mentioned that Monty Python is just one […]

Self Inspiration – The Jessica Way

If you have never watched this video, you owe it yourself to watch. What you can learn from it is very powerful. It’s the power of self affirmation. [youtube=] We live in a pessimistic society, where keeping people down can boost our own ego. At times the only optimistic person […]

Of Vertigo

I like to kid around in most of my posts, but this subject is serious and not to be taken lightly.  First, let me give you a little background.  Four years ago, while living in the mountains of New Mexico, I came down with the flu.  This flu was tough.  […]