Anti-Revolutionaries Revolting Resolutions

Che Jamie Alexander Francisco McKniggit

While reading the news on Iran I found it odd that the article suggests the protestors are anti-revolutionaries. It’s not that they were anti-theists controlled government, but anti-revolutionaries. Uh, are they not revolting?  Doesn’t that make them revolutionaries?  This sent me into one of my Monty Python moments about two groups arguing over their status and concept of their own sense of revolution.  I give you the Rodean Peoples Full Frontal and the Rodean Peoples Backside revolution organizations.  The conversation would go something like this at a nice French cafe between Cleese and Palin,

Cleese, “I read today the backsiders are revolting against our revolution. Why the nerve of those kniggits.”

Palin, “Excuse me, but I’m a backsider and couldn’t help but to hear your comments. We are the revolution! Viva la revolucione!”

Cleese, “No your not!”

Palin, “Oh yes we are, we’ve taken it up the backsides so long from your full frontal revolution, that we decided to backside yours.”

Cleese, “You can’t revolt the revolution, it’s not revolutionary enough.  You have to be an innovative revolting revolutionary and a member of the Revolutionaries Revolting Resolution Union.”

Palin, “Say what? There’s no such organization.”

Cleese, “Yes, the RRRU’s charter under title VXVVII states clearly states that you must support the Rodean’s Peoples Full Frontal from pretenders claiming to be revolutionaries, revolting in revolutionary cosplay or non-copyrighted T-Shirt images of our leader, Che Jamie Alexander Francisco McKniggit.”

Palin, “Oh my, you’ve thought of everything in your evolving revolting revolutionary resolution union resolutions.”

Cleese, “Yes, we stay resolved in our revolution’s resolutions and are quite revolted when others try to usurp our revolutionary rights under our resolutions and not pay in our unions unified codification code and regulations of our revolting rights membership fees.”

Palin, “Well in that case, I apologize from inserting my claim to revolt upon your resolutions and reservations of rights to claim to be a revolting revolutionary.”

Cleese, “Quite alright, pay your fees and you can be come a member of the Rodean’s Peoples Full Frontal.  Besides, it’s the Foreign Outsiders Full Colonialism Collectivist Conglomerate who are the real trouble makers in the world.”

Now, in no way am I making fun of Iran and the brave people who are protesting for their beliefs, I only find it odd that in 1979 the collective group of human sheep decided on one form of revolution and now we are back to the pre-revolution way of thinking revolution. Who has the legitimate claim on revolution?

My point is if thinking of revolutions in such a manner as above gave us too many headaches, we might decide that living in freedom and minding one’s own business, just might contribute to world peace.

But don’t get me started on Venezuela.


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