Monthly Archives: April 2012

30 posts

L is for Love

Today’s A to Z writing challenge is the letter “L” for love. As I near the age of 53, my view of the world is different than it was at age 21. In my 20’s, my type of books or movies would consist of action and science fiction. I was […]

Hydrocarbon the Villain

As you may recall, I am a big fan of Monty Python. One of their movies, “The Life of Brian” has a scene called “What have the Romans done for us?” You can watch it here first before reading on. [youtube=] So now that you have perspective, lets talk about […]

Thanks Mom!

When bloggers comment on my posts, it always sparks the need to write a new one. One blogger asked, “How did you survive watching Tom and Jerry as a child and not become a serial killer?” This is due to all the violence in the world. The answer is clear; […]

Squirrel APB’s

I joke endlessly about the squirrel I actually killed while playing golf. It’s how I deal with the tragedy. Squirrels are amazing rodents. They taunt and haunt me. Many years ago while living near Dallas, TX a band of squirrels found a way into the eaves of the house and […]

E is for Evil

Today’s A to Z writing challenge is the letter “E” which is for Evil. Evil means something different to just about everyone you discuss it with. For some it has a religious meaning, for others it does not. Now my grammar is horrible, so I researched the definition of evil […]

Defining Epic

A fellow author asked me via Twitter what made my trilogy epic. For a moment I paused. Did I truly understand the meaning of “epic”? I was inspired by “The Lord of the Rings”, “The Silmarillion” and “Paradise Lost”, which are all referred to as literary epics. But did I […]

F is for Flammable

To continue on with my A to Z blog writing challenge, we cover the letter “F”. “F” is for flammable. I was once a young budding rocket scientist testing out the explosive capabilities of various household fluids. For many guys, there is just something about the allure of watching something […]

Golfing vs Bowling

Now you have heard my many absurd stories on golfing. But what about bowling? Even with a bigger ball controlled by my hands (okay, get your mind out of the gutter!) does not guarantee success; it’s just more damage. I can shank and slice a bowling ball. Luckily there is […]

D is for Dragons

Today’s A to Z writing challenge is of the letter “D”, which is for dragons. When I began writing my trilogy, “The Chosen One of Allivar”, I knew I wanted dragons. As a child I was fascinated and obsessed with dinosaurs. I could name almost every one. Movies such as […]

Book Ratings and Reviews

By conversing via Twitter, Blogs or other social media outlets I get some of my daily thought ideas. Today’s random thought is book ratings. We usually like a book and give it a number of stars, five stars being the top honor. But what if you could actually design your […]