
115 posts

Posts on my story writing.

Fear the Mob

One only has to look at current global news for a premise to a very frightening story. Whether social injustice, right versus left, poor versus wealthy, or other issues the gathering of people under a cause can lead to social disorder, some unintentionally, some not. All one has to do […]

The Triumph of Evil

Rarely do most authors write about the triumph of evil. Who would want to read that, right? We want heroes and heroines to triumph. Sometimes evil must triumph for good men and women to rise from the pit of despair and hopelessness. Edmund Burke was an Irish statesman, author, orator, […]

Of Jane Austen

As you may recall, I am a very slow reader, but I do love listening to books on tape or watching movies based on classics. Over the last year, my wife and I have been on a kick to watch several BBC productions based on classic novels, including those by […]

Self Inspiration – The Jessica Way

If you have never watched this video, you owe it yourself to watch. What you can learn from it is very powerful. It’s the power of self affirmation. [youtube=http://youtu.be/qR3rK0kZFkg] We live in a pessimistic society, where keeping people down can boost our own ego. At times the only optimistic person […]

Detail or not to detail?

My wife and I have an argument. She reads much more than I, so I constantly ask her opinion on stories we read together or on ones that I write. Do readers want a verbose book? I have read some stories where the detail is very, very detailed. I have […]