The impact of music in writing – find me…

I cannot speak for all authors, but music supports my writing.  When I envision a battle scene I might just play one of the Lord of the Rings symphony music pieces, such as the Lighting of the Beacons, the Ride of the Rohirrim, or the Last March of the Ents.  I had the pleasure of seeing the entire symphony in Dallas, TX with a full adult and children choir.  To say it was awesome is an understatement.


I might also revisit the music from Braveheart, such as the closing theme, or the execution and freedom. Or, music from Last of the Mohicans. It is because I can recall the visual representation of the music with the scene and the emotions that went with both. Being imaginative, I also conduct my own music in my head to ramp up the excitement of the narratives I write.  Maybe one day there will be symphony of my trilogy – The Chosen One of Allivar.


I also find inspiration in pop music.  I am a product of the 1970’s.  My taste in music was rock and roll, but not just any rock and roll, but songs that had meaningful lyrics. Music by Kansas, such as “Dust in the Wind” or “Carry on my Wayward Son” were thought provoking.  I tend to favor the love songs of the early 1970’s, partly because these songs were part of my coming of age and the discovery of the beauty of the opposite sex. Even today I revisit those songs not only for words of wisdom, but for words of love.  One of my favorite groups during that period of time was Bread.  Those were much more mellow times with mellow lyrics.  You would dance with the one you loved slow, close, and tight.

“If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can’t I paint you. The words will never flow from you I’ve come to know.” From the song “IF”

“I would give everything I own. My life, my heart, my home, I would give everything I own, just to hold you once again. Just to touch you once again.” From the song Everything I own.

Recently I ran across a YouTube video of  a song written and sung by David Gates, the lead singer of Bread, who is also the only surviving member of that band.  I was fascinated to learn he is from Oklahoma and he is now 72 years old.  My God how did time fly so fast?  I still recall trying to learn their songs on my acoustic guitar. The timing of discovering this  song and the lyrics was incredible as I sat writing the final tragic chapters of The Fall of Helloria.  I was touched by the following lyrics:

“Through a hundred million faces you will see me shinin’ through.
‘Cause I glow when you come close , I always do.
So darlin’ please I’m begging you on bended knee..
We can share our love through all eternity
‘Cause with you is all I ever wanna be……
Find me…”

The sentiment in the lyrics was exactly what I was looking for.  Although we may have time here in this world, we will also have eternity. Evil can conquer physical worlds, but it will never triumph over good and love. The light of our souls cannot be dimmed and we will find those we lost through battles and death, because those we loved will emanate light when we near them.  Thank you David Gates for all the years of great music and lyrics, and for helping me finalize an emotional chapter.


So what music, songs and lyrics have moved you lately?