Burger King just announced a bacon sundae. That’s right! Now, I have never tried it and it doesn’t sound right, but I love bacon and I love sundaes, so why not give it a try? I’m always open to new suggestions and ones that make money even better. Such culinary innovation has my imagination running absurdly wild again. So next week I open up Eddie’s Edible Eatery so feast your eyes on this scrumptious menu:
- Triple meat, triple cheese orange sherbet pushups.
- Chocolate chip cheesy chili fries.
- Strawberry yogurt covered corn puffs.
- Vanilla nachos with jalapenos
- Powdered sea bass ala mode
- Rocky road fried pigskin swirl (or hurl depending on your constitution)
- Baby rhubarb blizzard
- Brussel sprout stuffed Twinkies
Now that is the menu just for those not terribly concerned with calorie or cholesterol intake. For those that are, you have the choice of:
- Tofu tiramisu
- Bean curd custard
- Baked Turkey breast bread pudding w/whiskey sauce (say that fast 3 times when ordering)
- Sauerkraut and weenies strudel (my all-time favorite hurler)
- Trout truffles
- Fishy flan cakes
Keep in mind this is just the opening menu. We experiment daily with our leftovers, so come back often and feast again on the additions. We guarantee a reaction, which brings me to the fine print legal disclosure on the menu:
Note: Should you lose weight by ingesting and expulsion of our menu items or by expulsion merely by eye contact with the menu, there will be a $100 weight loss surcharge to your order.
I am after all, just a simple entrepreneur considering any and all revenue streams from a venture. Maybe you can suggest an item to be added to the menu and it must be cruelly creative to the colon!
Bon Appetit!