Monthly Archives: May 2012

17 posts

P is for Possession

Today’s A to Z writing challenge deals with the letter “P” for Possession in a spiritual sense. Obsession is of one’s own making. Possession is the action taken by another. Most of us recall the movie “The Exorcist” and agree it is probably the scariest movie of all time. When […]

Q is for Quest

Today’s A to Z writing challenge deals with the letter “Q” for Quest. Here is just one definition of the word: A search or pursuit made in order to find or obtain something. Back in the year 2000 I began the thought process of writing an epic story. This story […]

J is for Jealousy

Today’s A to Z writing challenge is the letter “J” for Jealousy. Also synonymous with envy, jealousy is one of the most damaging emotions in human nature. It is considered one of the greatest sins among the seven deadly sins. It is also one excellent concept for an author to […]

K is for Kith

Today’s A to Z writing challenge is the letter K for Kith. The word is an old world word that I uncovered in my research. I immediately fell in love with the word. Here is its definition: Familiar friends, neighbors, or relatives; “all his kith and kin” In my trilogy, […]

O is for Obsession

Today’s A to Z writing Challenge is the letter “O” for Obsession. Here is a short definition: “the domination of one’s thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.” I call obsession self-possession. It is the state of overpowering one’s own reason to think logically or rationally. This […]

Doggie Diva

I have a four-year old rescued golden retriever. Her name is Ruby. She is a doggie diva. She is too smart for her own good. Let me explain. My day with Ruby begins with me getting on my hands and knees to coax her to go outside and do her […]