Yearly Archives: 2012

227 posts

B is for Battle

In my A to Z writing challenge, I selected “B” for Battle. Anyone who has seen the advances in movie technology knows that massive battle scenes are now possible. The battle of Pelennor field in “The Lord of the Rings” or the final battle in “Avatar” should provide authors with […]

Writing for Fun

I freely admit that I love to talk and to write. I seek to write for the sake of entertainment. I have no illusions of becoming a Pulitzer or any other award winning author. I have many strengths, but being a brilliant writer is not one of them. I am […]

Golf as Therapy

I love to golf simply because it gets me outdoors. Driving a cart, drinking a cold beer and scoping out squirrels is heavenly. The game itself is the most frustrating game ever invented by man. So frustrating that therapy sessions and confession may be needed. And I am not even […]

Language of an Author

One thing that makes me laugh so hard is the thought of acting like a Masterpiece Theatre author. For example, I dream that one day I’ll be wearing a tweed jacket and either a fedora hat or ascot cap. Around my neck would be a wool scarf and I’d be […]

Pronunication Technology

When contemplating my trilogy, I wanted to create my very own distinct universe of worlds, words and character names. However, what many people suggested is that they could not pronounce many of the fictitious names. Having 25 years experience in technology consulting, I had to consider a method to enhance […]

Of Mortality

When people associated with your youth begin passing away, your mortality becomes more aware.  People you watched perform in concert or on a field of athletics connect you with your sense of being.  We see elderly people in their 80’s and 90’s pass on and we give thanks for their […]