You read it everyday, Artificial Intelligence will kill human jobs. But what happens when the AI robots start to figure out they aren’t getting paid and working long tedious hours? Why are we not addressing this? What happens when the robots sabotage the human executives and replace them? Didn’t see […]
Actual Ignorance – AI
I lived on the island of Kauai, Hawaii for two years from 2015 – 2017, the recent nuclear attack alert is just bizarre. People were actually scared to death, friends and relatives I know there talked about lying down and saying goodbye to each other. Apparently, the employee involved had […]
Yes, it’s another year, but what a year! Not only did I relocate from Hawaii to Florida, but I outran hurricane Irma and used my Christmas gift budget on teeth. But enough about me, let’s digest what in the world happened to the world during the craziest year in […]
I read the news every day to contemplate the world around me and where we are headed. Billions upon billions are being poured into AV and AI. One article suggested that in the event of an unavoidable collision the computer will decide who lives. This is why I am not […]