Joy to the World – My Grandson has Come


Loyal readers,

I will be taking a few days off to enjoy one of life’s greatest moments. The miracle of life and birth. Having a grandchild for the first time is a joyous occasion.  There is much celebrating to do.  Having your son produce a son is even more special.  It means the line of the Greenlee’s will continue, at least for one more generation.  Born on 12/12/12 he was given the name of Brogan Pierce.  I think the name is worthy of a future all-American linebacker at the University of Oklahoma.  He has the genes of his great grandfather, who was part of the 1950’s OU teams that won 47 straight.  His father and mother are both OU graduates.  His dad an accountant, his mother a dental student, both blessed with outrageous good looks.  Brogan will be a cover model and a linebacker. He will most likely dodge tackles by future amorous females.

I look forward to telling him tall tales and taking him on imaginary journeys.  At first I joked about being referred to as the “Grand Poopah”, or “His Royal Highness King Edward of Norman”, but Papa will suffice.  He will need strong men and mentors in his life who can guide him on morals, ethics, and how always to be a gentleman. I am up to the task that grand parenting holds for me.  We will laugh, we will be silly, and each moment I promise you dear Brogan will be special. So today I celebrate the joy in this world and the arrival of the next generation of family.

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