The Voices In Our Heads or Never Mind My Mind



On Facebook and Twitter I follow a lot of writers hopefully to learn things and have companionship with people of like minds or lack of minds.  You see, when we write stories we place ourselves into someone else and our mind becomes their mind and our characters converse.  Our characters can give us fits and other times they can be shy and quiet, leading to delays in completing our project.  We curse our characters out loud, leaving our spouses to wonder if we are not, in fact, the mutated offspring of Gollum.  You see this is actually a psychological issue known as SGS, or Smeagol Gollum Syndrome.

Today, one of the authors I follow on Facebook commented on her characters and the male lead found his voice. The female character has not yet found her voice. Then another author chimed in started talking about her characters, saying the female might be shy.  I’m shaking my head wondering why the other writer is in inside her head too.  It’s starting to get crowded in this authors mind.  So I interjected some wisdom,

“Don’t trust her, she’s the twin of Sybil”.

Now all of a sudden country western romance novels could get interesting, if other authors get to contribute, and I’m envisioning a whole new genre with book titles like these eye catchers:

  1. “The Exorcism of The Marlboro Man”
  2. “Brokeback Payback Loan Shark Of the High Plains”
  3. “She Wore A True Grit”
  4. “The Lonesome and Not So Lonesome Psychopath”
  5. “Never Mind My Mind Pardner If You Don’t Mind”
  6. “It’s Merely a Flesh Wound Sheriff.  But she’s ripped out your heart!”
  7. “Zombie Rodeo Queen Sweetheart Rides a Tall Saddle”

As you can see we writers are weird. None of the above titles makes any sense, but neither does this crazy world we live in.   Learn to enjoy a moment of weirdness and set your minds free, so others can invade the free and safe space of your mind.

The characters in my mind state they are overworked.  They convince me regularly that writing must be supplemented with a daily wine break.  Ooh look it’s 3:1o to Yuma Cabernet.  Peace out Ya’ll.

Oh never mind my mind.



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