In my own world

If you are a parent, you undoubtedly recall talking to one of your children and he or she wasn’t responding as you wished so you asked “Did you hear me? Are you in another world?” The answer for me when I was a child, in a Robert DeNiro tone, was “Are you talking to me?” No, not really – my mother was the reincarnation of General George S. Patton. Is that descriptive enough? She would have pulled off that glove and smacked me right out of Europe and straight into the Pacific theater. So my answer was “Yes, Ma’am!” And yes, I saluted as well. She was and is still that tough and I love her for it. Without her, all my elementary teachers would have insisted I was stupid, except one who simply told Mother Patton, “He’s bored! He digresses because he’s in another world.” Right on, Mrs. Pruitt!

In truth, I am an evil twin brother of Calvin from the cartoon “Calvin and Hobbes.” I was in my own world. My imagination still runs wild, even 52 years, into this thing called life. I don’t want to ever out grow that young boy’s imagination. But now, with years rapidly racing by, I want to share some of that imagination in the form of stories. My trilogy has a scene of the young hero, Arimar, acting out with swords gifted to him by the “Unseen”, the creator of my mythical universe. Arimar is only 10 years old and holding swords and weapons. This would have been awesome for any 10 year old and without parental supervision! Add in laser guns and flame throwers and you would have the ultimate hero for a young boy. But I digress because I fell back into my own world.

When writing my trilogy, I put on my Zeus mind which simply means I played a God. I wielded my power in this world and controlled the fate of the heavens. I tried it as a child and was grounded many times. I tried to tame fires, electrical circuits, build temples and grow my hair long – unsuccessfully. Some all powerful God I was. Then I aged and went to college and was smote down by the college professor gods. Finally, there were employer and client gods who also did not clearly recognize my supreme deity. So in 2000 my quest to control the universe began with the writing of “The Chosen One of Allivar.” In 2012, I return to this universe to wield fifteen more stories and display my awesome creative writing power. Bwahahaha. But I digress because I am in my own world.

My point is very simple – don’t let maturation or anyone destroy your dreams, creativity, or imagination. Escape to your own world, release your own power and tell the foes of darkness, who claim you can’t escape the bonds of maturity and conformity, “Just watch me!”