The Chronicles (Spoilers Alert)

My wife informed me last night that one of my first readers and reviewers to give me five stars wanted to know when the next book was to arrive.  The first book of the chronicles is nearing completion.  For those that have read the trilogy, I want you to understand that those three stories took ten years.  I promised myself the next books would not take that long.  However, writing an interrelated series of books is difficult, especially when in the ending there will be 19 total stories.  To give readers of the trilogy a heads up on what is to follow, I first have to issue this spoiler alert.


As you recall, in the final battle between good and evil, Haggarfuse finds himself surrounded by the armies of the freed races, something he did not expect, nor should the reader.  I purposely did not create narrative so that their arrival on the 40th day of battle would be a huge surprise.  Did you know I gave hints throughout all books about the forty days of travel time to Mosiam? This explains why their aid did not arrive until the 40th and final day of battle.  Ah, you didn’t truly read the history of the first nine chapters, did you? Arimar had a dream as a boy of three doves turning to war eagles.  This is not referred to again until the first day of battle arrives and he sees three eagles head east, west, and north to send out the call for aid, which were the remaining three loyal Charafuse.  Even Arimar did not make the connection.  He and his followers, only 140,000 of them, believe they are about to face alone an army of four hundred million.  They are told only to make a stand.

The chronicles, especially the last 7 stories to come in the resistance series, will bring all the detailed history of Allivar and the relationship of Arimar’s line into focus, and the events that took place for the races to gather their strength and attack Haggarfuse. Go back and read those first nine chapters.  All of Arimar’s line was taken by the Unseen with a promise to be reunited at a given time. When they combine their powers with Arimar’s, they become invincible and reunited force of seven. Notice the seven swords on the cover of Last Stand of the Living.  As heroic as the battle scenes were, the march of the races to their aid shall be just as heroic and just as emotional.  The urgency to arrive and save their sons and their world becomes paramount task.

Now as Haggarfuse discovers he is losing the battle, he summons the armies of Charagrung, lead by Gahar, the lord of the underworld.  The very first book of the chronicles, the Fall of Helloria, is the story of Gahar, a mortal who falls to the lies of Haggarfuse.  Haggarfuse also learns of the source of the Unseen’s power and uses it to destroy Helloria, but deceives mortals so that the destruction appears to be of their own making.  The heroine of the story, Melin, will die tragically but will enter the light and protection of the Unseen.   While in the light, she and all the other mortal souls of goodness will await for justice.  Recall as Haggarfuse summons Gahar and releases all the bound forces of evil from the Marog.  You may be thinking to yourself, how can the mortals win against such ethereal forces?  Here the Unseen releases all the souls of history and from all the worlds.

The first nine stories of the chronicles are to be devoted to their stories of faith and heroism.  Recall that the Unseen in book one stated to Haggarfuse that the good souls were his, and the damned souls would become the Charagrung, ever clinging and gnawing at Haggarfuse’s heels as his punishment for bringing evil upon mortals. These stories will be told by the characters of the trilogy, as though reading a book of history.  Recall that in the bible we each have a book of judgement that will be opened one day.  These characters from the trilogy, those you have learned to love, create a reunion of sorts for the reader.  Each of these stories will end with a chapter titled Into the Light, which will turn the tragedy into a story of hope and will end with a cliff hanger of what will take place on the next  world to fall.  At the end of the ninth book, all the forces of good converge in waiting on Allivar, with each world having their own captain that will rise from the Porsian ocean to decimate the last hope of Haggarfuse. Also important in these stories are the origins of dragons, giants, the gregoron and other evil creatures.  The rise of evil will have been completed, with Allivar solely in their sight.

Now the final seven stories are the stories of the history of Allivar as written by Arimar’s line, which represent six ages and the seventh age, which is the arrival of Arimars birth and what was occurring behinds the scenes of the gathering of the forces of light and the freed races marching in unity to make come to the aid of Arimar and the sons of the races. Here the prophets, like Gandalf, have been set on path to resist the plans of Haggarfuse and keep the peoples of Allivar hopes up that one day evil shall be defeated.

The Fall of Helloria will be my largest story to date, because everything in it must reinforce the trilogy and be cleverly aligned to reinforce what will follow.  Now if my readers would write reviews and tell people of the trilogy, maybe I could devote all my day to writing and complete this series in two years.  There are just so many hours in a day.  I promise the wait will be worth it.



The Fall of Helloria (Near Completion)

The Fall of Europia (Premise Phase)

The Fall of Jeronia (Premise Phase)

The Fall of Isoria (Premise Phase)

The Fall of Glutonia (Premise Phase)

The Fall of Floria (Premise Phase)

The Fall of Denmaria (Premise Phase)

The Fall of Clempatria (Premise Phase)

The Fall of Borealia (Premise Phase)


The Age of the Warrior (Premise Phase)

The Age of the Barbarian (Premise Phase)

The Age of the Slayer (Premise Phase)

The Age of the Bloody (Premise Phase)

The Age of the Damned (Premise Phase)

The Age of the Conqueror (Premise Phase)

The Age of Light (Premise Phase)